Revealed: 1,300-year-old ‘Dark Ages dancer’ skeleton is found in Siberia pulling a mysterious pose

The more than a thousand year old skeleton unearthed in Siberia was dubbed the “Dark Age dancer” due to its strange posture, causing curiosity to scientists.

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Experts estimate that the skeleton of the “Dark Age dancer” was about 30 years old at the time of death and died between the 7th and 9th centuries. The strange posture of the skeleton seems to hide a “dark” secret. somehow.

The 1,300-year-old skeleton of a man has a very strange death position.

“He was placed on his back with his legs looking as if he were dancing. His feet were crossed while his knees were bent out and his arms were wrapped around his pelvis. This position has never appeared in any burial rites.” known before,” archaeologist Denis Volkov said.

The team of experts is conducting more detailed research on this strange ancient skeleton.

Archaeologists nicknamed the skeleton Mikhail. “We talked with forensic and anthropological experts. Obviously his legs were tied, because otherwise his limbs would have been straight. Most likely his hands were also tied “, Volkov said. There are no known examples of bound human remains in graves from the same period in Siberia.

The 1,300-year-old dancer skeleton has puzzled archaeologists.

This is not the only reason why the skeleton found at the Ust – Ivanovka burial site (Primorsky province) is unusual. The other skeletons here all belong to elderly people, who lived unusually long lives during the Middle Ages, with a lifespan of about 50 to 70 years old.


The skeleton lies in a strange position.

The tomb is rectangular, covered with white sand of non-local origin, while the other tombs are circular. There is evidence that the man was shot to death with an arrow. One arrowhead stuck deep into this person’s hip. The man is believed to be from the Mohe class of the Tunganic ethnic minority.

The archaeological team guessed the man may have died from disfigurement from tuberculosis or syphilis.

Archaeological site where strange skeletons were discovered.

To date, no bound human remains in graves from the same period have been found in Siberia.

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