The potential of the MiG-31 is not yet exhausted

The upgrading potential of the MiG-31 interceptor has not yet been exhausted, said Yury Bely, general director of the Instrument Engineering Research Institute (included in Almaz-Antey), in an interview with TASS.

“The potential of the interceptor itself is far from being exhausted – so far it has not been surpassed by a number of parameters. If we talk about the prospects of interceptors, then the head company MiG and we have proposals for creating a new product, but the decision to start work on this topic has not yet been made, ”said Bely.

But the modernization potential of the machine’s weapons control system has already been exhausted.

“Today, the potential for upgrading the weapons control system of the MiG-31 aircraft with the advent of Zaslon-AM for MiG-31BM aircraft has already been exhausted. Currently, the relevant organizations are refining the front-line MiGs to the BM version, ”the general director said.

Recall that in April the military reported the longest non-stop flight of the MiG-31BM.

“We made a nonstop flight (from the Krasnoyarsk region to the Astrakhan region) with a length of 7 hours 4 minutes, which is the longest in the entire 36-year history operating the MiG-31, ”said interceptor pilot Vladimir Surzhik.

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