10 Remarkable Aircraft Carrier Takeoffs and Landings

10 Astonishing Aircraft Carrier Takeoffs and Landings

For light aircraft, full-power takeoff is a common practice. In contrast, large transport category aircraft may opt for reduced power during takeoff to extend the lifespan of their engines, reduce maintenance costs, and minimize noise pollution. In emergency situations, the power can be increased to enhance the aircraft’s performance. Before taking off, engines, especially reciprocating engines, are run at high power to detect any engine-related issues. The aircraft is allowed to accelerate until it reaches the rotation speed, often referred to as Vr.

The term “rotation” is used because the aircraft pivots around its major axis. While the landing gear is still on the ground, the aircraft will lift off when the proper airflow over/under the wings is achieved, typically due to gentle manipulation of flight controls to facilitate this change in the aircraft’s attitude.

The nose is raised to a nominal 5°–15° nose-up position to increase lift from the wings. For most airplanes, taking off without pitching requires achieving cruise speeds while still on the runway.

Fixed-wing aircraft, such as commercial jet aircraft designed for high-speed operation, face challenges generating enough lift at the low speeds encountered during takeoff. To address this issue, they are often equipped with high-lift devices, which can include slats and flaps. These devices increase camber and the overall wing area, making the wing more effective at low speeds and generating more lift. They extend from the wing before takeoff and retract during the climb. They can also be deployed at other times, such as before landing.

The required takeoff speeds depend on the airspeed indicated and the movement of the air. Headwinds can reduce the ground speed required for takeoff because there is a greater flow of air over the wings. Typical takeoff airspeeds for jet aircraft fall within the range of 240–285 km/h (130–154 kn; 149–177 mph). Light aircraft like the Cessna 150 take off at around 100 km/h (54 kn; 62 mph). Ultralights have even lower takeoff speeds. For a given aircraft, takeoff speed is often dependent on its weight; the heavier the aircraft, the higher the required speed.

Some airplanes are specifically designed for short takeoff and landing (STOL) operations, achieved by flying at very low speeds.


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