14 ‘Beautiful’ Heart Leaf Philodendron Types

f you love philodendrons and pothos, this list of Heart Leaf Philodendron Varieties will cajole you to have at least a few in your collection.

When it comes to trailing houseplants, philodendron hederaceum is the most sought-after. It’s easy to grow and beautiful, but do you know about its varieties? Scroll down to find out !

Best Heart Leaf Philodendron Varieties

1. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Brasil’

‘Brasil’ is the most popular type, it showcases striking green and yellow variegated leaves. This variety thrives as an indoor plant, adding a tropical vibe to your interior decor.

2. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Lemon Lime’


This one is an excellent indoor plant with leaves resembling hues of lemons and limes. Its refreshing colors can infuse a vibrant and cheerful ambiance into your living space.

3. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Scandens’

‘Scandens’ is a timeless classic originating from Central and South American rainforests. Its rich green leaves adapt well to indoor hanging baskets.

4. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Micans’

Micans’ velvety, iridescent leaves look regal when they trail down from a pot, making it “the plant’ to showcase on shelves and hanging baskets.

5. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Green’


The classic green variant is the most well-known. The leaves are solid, vibrant green, embodying freshness and tranquility.

6. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Rio’

This one uniquely blends green and light yellow or cream variegation. The leaves seem like they’ve been carefully painted, offering a harmonious blend of colors. If you’re searching for brasil vs rio differences–the biggest one is it has more elongated leaves.

7. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Silver Stripe’


The ‘Silver Stripe’ variant comes with striking silver variegation against a deep green background. The shimmering silver stripes stand out brilliantly.

8. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Cream Splash’

The plant gets its name from the cream splashes that speckle its deep green leaves. The variegation appears randomly, making each leaf unique.

9. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Aureum’

Also famous as ‘Golden Heart,’ this variety boasts leaves of a rich golden-yellow hue. It’s a vibrant and uplifting plant that gels with every backdrop.

10. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Ivory Coast’

With silvery-white variegation, ‘Ivory Coast’ can be a great houseplant with big leaves.

11. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Neon’


Bold and captivating, ‘Neon’ boasts vivid neon-green leaves that make a statement in any indoor space. A perfect choice for an empty shelf in the house! If you’re interested check out more Neon color houseplants here.

12. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘White Princess’

With its stunning patches of pure white against a backdrop of lush green, this one is an eye-catcher, a rare and exotic specimen that is as expensive as the famous philodendron pink princess.

13. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Albo’

The ‘Albo’ variety showcases a marbling effect with green and white variegated leaves. The balance between the two colors adds a sophisticated touch.

14. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Gabby’

Like ‘Albo,’ the ‘Gabby sports green leaves with more prominent cream-to-white variegation. Ensure it gets plenty of light for a vibrant hue.

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