
How demands for US-style tipping are on the rise in UK hotels and cafes… but hard-up Brits are NOT giving in

A growing number of British hospitality and service providers are adopting a US-style tipping culture, with gratuities prompts routinely added to card payment machines.

And while there may be a strong nudge from businesses, the UK public is in no rush to change – and in many cases are refusing to play along.

The percentage of business owners applying a suggested tip on their card machines has skyrocketed by more than a third, according to the contactless payment firm SumUp.

But despite these prompts, and 20% being the standard in the US, stubborn Brits on average cling to a 10% gratuity, The Times said.

The amount of cafes, coffee shops and restaurants utilising tip prompts leapt by more than two-thirds between 2022 and 2024, with the average tip hovering between 10.2% and 10.6% during the same period, the data revealed.

And while many UK restaurants have a longstanding tradition of asking for a gratuity for staff, Brits are wary of being asked for one in businesses that have in the past not expected them – such as a pub.

Phil Inzani, who runs the Polo Bar in central London, said: ‘With our system, the tipping prompt comes pre-programmed but I take it off as I think it’s a p*** take.

‘It’s all a bit American. I’ve just come back from over there and it’s the norm, it’s just part of their psyche but here, we’re not like that.

‘If I go somewhere and someone has gone that extra mile then I leave a tip but I don’t like a prompt. It’s a bit irritating and that’s the philosophy I have applied here.’

The number of venues using tip prompts has shot up by more than a tenth (12%) according to the new research.

Even hair salons, nail bars and other beauty industries are getting in on the action, with a 6% uptick in gratuity requests.

However, the biggest surge has been seen in the  hotel and B&B industry, which has overseen a colossal 112% rise in requests for tips over the last two years.

It comes after an expert revealed how much Brits should consider tipping – and if there’s pressure to do so if you don’t think the service is worth it.

Laura Akano, Etiquette Coach and founder of Polished Manners, said that tipping is never required in the UK, but it is a ‘nice thing to do’.

However, if you’re eating in a restaurant, it’s extremely likely that a service charge will be added, and she advises factoring this into your budget for your outing, rather than the awkwardness of haggling with staff for it to be removed.

Femail reveals how much to tip when at the hairdresser, cafe or restaurant – as well as how and when to make an exception.

Many restaurants in the UK, especially in London and other big cities, now include a service charge in the bill – usually of 12.5 per cent.

If this hasn’t been automatically added, according to etiquette experts Debrett’s, the minimum you should offer is 10 per cent.

‘Many restaurants include service, in which case a tip is not necessary other than for exceptional service,’ the guide says.

‘It is traditional to leave 10 per cent, but up to 15 per cent is now commonplace for good service.’

Laura Akano, Etiquette Coach and founder of Polished Manners, told Femail: ‘What I’ve observed is that a lot of restaurants will add 12.5 to 15 per cent automatically.

‘Based on that, from an etiquette point of view, I wouldn’t leave an additional tip, unless you’re feeling generous or you had exceptional service.

‘But there is no obligation, in England it’s not mandatory – anywhere you go. It’s okay to take off the service charge.

‘While it’s not mandatory, I would say that if you can’t afford a tip, consider not going out’.

Jane Pendlebury, CEO of HOSPA, The Hospitality Professionals Association told FEMAIL: ‘While there are no hard and fast rules to tipping, there are some general guidelines that can help.

‘In restaurants, a service charge of around 10 to 15 per cent is often added to the bill.

‘If it’s included, there’s no need to tip on top unless the service was exceptional. However, if no service charge is added, it’s customary to tip a similar amount.’

People often wonder if it’s acceptable to ask for ‘optional’ service charge to be removed from a bill, seeing as it’s supposedly the customers choice.

Experts are clear that service charge is to be expected and that, really, it’s described as optional to give unsatisfied customers the chance to make a legitimate complaint.

Read more on tipping in Femail’s exclusive, here.

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