Unveiling the Unknown: The Secret Symbolism and Deeper Meaning of Hoa Phong Lu.

The plant commonly known as geranium or pelargonium, also referred to as hoa phong lữ, has its roots in the Greek word “geranos”, meaning “crane” due to the shape of its seed pods resembling a crane’s beak. Geraniums come in various sizes and shapes and are a widespread flower species found all over the world.

This type of flower has the ability to survive in various natural conditions, making it widely planted and meaningful to people. A notable feature of the Phoenix flower is that when its leaves are touched, it emits a pleasant fragrance. The Phoenix flower carries diverse symbolic meanings and messages. Some common meanings include love and affection, as it represents love and loyalty. This flower is often given on romantic occasions to express love, appreciation, and care for one’s partner. It is also considered a symbol of luck, success, and prosperity, making it suitable for special occasions such as anniversaries, grand openings, or important events to congratulate and bring joy and luck to the recipient.

Respect and Honor Symbol:The Plum Blossom is often used to express respect, gratitude, and high esteem for important people in life. It can be given as a gesture of appreciation and show of respect.Recovery and Rebirth:The Plum Blossom also carries a message of recovery, rebirth, and coming back after hardships. It portrays optimism and hope in life, encouraging the recipient to overcome challenges and start anew.Youthfulness and Freshness:The Plum Blossom is also seen as a symbol of youthfulness and freshness. It represents vitality, energy, and a desire to explore new horizons in life.Uses of Plum Blossoms:Decoration:The Plum Blossom is a widely used flower for decoration in living spaces and public areas. With the beauty of its diverse colors and shapes, the Plum Blossom creates a bright and eye-catching focal point in any space.Plum Blossoms are often used to decorate work desks, study tables, windows, balconies, gardens, and other outdoor spaces. They can be grown in pots or made into flower arrangements and vases to create decorative accents. Plum Blossoms are also commonly used to decorate during festive occasions, weddings, and other special events.With its fresh beauty, the Plum Blossom not only brings color and fragrance but also a sense of tranquility, joy, and sophistication to any decorative space.Essential Oil:The Plum Blossom is also used to extract essential oils for use in aromatherapy, skin care, and beauty. Plum Blossom essential oil has a fresh, sweet, and gentle aroma.Plum Blossom essential oil is commonly used for relaxation, stress relief, and creating a sense of comfort. Its fragrance can help improve mood, enhance energy, and create a balance in the mind.

Furthermore, the essential oil of chrysanthemum also has the ability to soothe and reduce dark spots, blemishes, and acne on the skin. It also has a calming effect on the skin, softens it, and balances its moisture levels.

However, when using chrysanthemum essential oil, it is important to follow instructions and use only the safe dosage. If you intend to use chrysanthemum essential oil, consult with an expert or the manufacturer to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Used as a gift

Chrysanthemums are also a great choice as a gift for loved ones, friends, and significant others. With their natural beauty and pleasant aroma, chrysanthemums bring freshness and joy to the recipient.

You can give chrysanthemums as a bouquet of fresh flowers, potted plants, or arranged in decorative vases. This gift not only makes living spaces more vibrant but also shows love, care, and concern for the recipient.

Chrysanthemums also symbolize freshness, vitality, and happiness as a meaningful and unique gift, especially on occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or other special events.

>> Learn more:

What is chrysanthemum essential oil? Overview of uses and how to make it

How to take care of chrysanthemums

You can arrange and place some fresh chrysanthemum branches in tall and thin vases inside the house to add more color and joy to the space. To keep chrysanthemums fresh for longer, follow these tips:

Change water regularly: Replace the water in the vase every two to three days or when the water changes color. This prevents water decay and maintains freshness for the flowers.

Using flower preservatives: You can use flower preservatives that are readily available in the market or make your own. Adding a teaspoon of sugar for every liter of water can help extend the lifespan of cut flowers.

Cut the stems at an angle: Before placing the flowers in a vase, cut the stems at an angle to provide the best conditions for water absorption.

Keep in a cool place and away from direct sunlight: Place the flower vase in a cool spot and avoid direct exposure to sunlight, as high temperatures and strong light can cause the flowers to wilt quickly and lose their freshness.

Baby’s breath flowers carry a positive symbolism and are loved by many. In difficult times or facing daily stress, a beautiful baby’s breath flower arrangement can bring a smile to one’s face.

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