
First Ƅlack woмan crowned Miss SA: Where is Jacqui Mofokeng now?

One of the most iconic Miss SA titleholder’s is Jacqui Mofokeng, who was the first black woman to be crowned Miss SA in 1993.

Jacqui Mofokeng was the first black woman to be crowned Miss SA in 1993. Images via Instagram @thediskigeneral10.

Beauty queen Jacqui Mofokeng was the first black woman to be crowned Miss SA back in 1993… where is she now?


One of the most influential Miss SAs is Jacqui Mofokeng. In 1993, she became the first black woman to be crowned Miss SA this was still during apartheid as South Africa only became a democratic nation in 1994.

Jacqui was born in 1972 and hails from Soweto, Johannesburg. At the time of her crowning, she was 21 years old and a BCom student at the University of the Witwatersrand.

She shared a close relationship with former South African president Nelson Mandela, who began his presidency in 1994. Mandela also asked the beauty queen to be on the board of trustees for the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund.

Amy Kleinhans-Curd, who now stars on the Real Housewives van die Wynlande (RHOWL) was the first woman of colour to be crowned Miss SA back in 1992.


Following her reign as Miss SA, the beauty queen started her own business.

She also moved to the US, where she married an American man, according to The Citizen. She is private about her life and her husband’s identity is not public information. However, the pair live in New Jersey with their two children. She was reportedly a stay-at-home mom to her two kids.

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