26 Different Types of Dieffenbachia Plants | Dumb Cane Varieties

Looking for a beautiful houseplant that requires low care and looks exceptional too? You can grow different Types of Dieffenbachia for this purpose!

Dieffenbachia, also known as the dumb cane, this easy-to-grow houseplant is perfect for homes and offices. This old-time favorite indoor plant features lush blue-green, chartreuse-gold foliage with yellow, white, or cream spots. If you also want to add it to your plant collection, then read about the different Types of Dieffenbachia in this article.

Best Types of Dieffenbachia Plants

1. Dieffenbachia ‘Camille’


‘Camille’ grows broad leaves with a lime-colored center and dark green edges. This dumb cane variety thrives in full to partial shade in well-drained soil. Keep the plant well watered and allow it to dry between the watering schedules.

2. Dieffenbachia ‘Camouflage’


‘Camouflage’ has appealing light green leaves with cream veins that make it stand out strikingly. It prefers dappled sunlight or partial shade, though the plant can survive in the full shade too.

3. Dieffenbachia maculata ‘Tropical tiki’


Dieffenbachia macula features upright green-edged leaves with cream color blotches. It has a shrub-like growth on multiple stems and attains a height of 4-7 feet. It is one of the best types of dieffenbachia out there!

4. Dieffenbachia ‘Seguine’

Dieffenbachia ‘seguine’ is an ornamental houseplant with a cane-like stem and white-cream large leaves that length up to 12 inches. When grown in optimal conditions, it displays showy white flowers, too, somewhat like peace lilies.

5. Dieffenbachia ‘Carina’


‘Carina’ produces medium-sized green leaves, decorated with a light green shade like other dieffenbachias. It grows up to a length of 15-20 inches approximately.

6. Dieffenbachia ‘Compacta’

‘Compacta’ is a perfect houseplant variety that can also purify the indoor air. It grows light green leaves, dotted strongly with cream-yellow shade in the center. You can display this compact variety on the tabletop!

7. Dieffenbachia ‘Delilah’


This dieffenbachia variety has big pointy leaves with usual green edges and lovely greenish-white patches in the center. It is one of the best types of dieffenbachia you can grow!

8. Dieffenbachia ‘Honeydew’


This eye-catching dieffenbachia variety produces golden-yellow leaves with green borders. Its foliage is quite striking, making it a perfect plant for your living room!

How to Grow a Big and Tall Dieffenbachia Like a Tree

9. Dieffenbachia ‘Mary’


‘Mary’ is a fast-growing dieffenbachia. It displays green leaves mottled with white spots. It’s perfect for brightening up any dull corner of your room!

10. Dieffenbachia ‘Tropic Snow’


‘Tropic Snow’ is one of the most common types of dieffenbachias. With ovate leaves, mottled with the shades of white or yellow, it is quite a ‘handsome‘ plant to have in your room!

11. Dieffenbachia ‘Snow’


‘Snow’ is a big variety that reaches up to 4-5 feet tall and produces dark green variegated leaves with cream-white, silver-green spots.

12. Dieffenbachia ‘Sarah’


‘Sarah’ is an excellent indoor plant, exhibiting beautifully variegated leaves, with green edges and irregular cream patches towards the center. It is one of the most striking types of dieffenbachia!

Have a look at the best Dieffenbachias here

13. Dieffenbachia ‘Sparkle’


‘Sparkle’ dieffenbachia shows off light green leaves blotched with dark green and white patches like pothos. It attains a height of 3 to 4 feet.

14. Dieffenbachia ‘Star bright’


‘Star bright’ narrow leaves compared to the other dieffenbachia variety. It is an ideal houseplant, especially for a bathroom, with golden-green leaves mottled in a dark green shade.

15. Dieffenbachia ‘Tropic Marianne’

‘Tropic Marianne’ forms hosta-type, oblong cream leaves, bordered with deep green color. In optimum growing conditions, the leaves can be 12 inches broad. It is one of the best types of dieffenbachia you can grow!

16. Dieffenbachia ‘White Etna’


‘White Etna’ features a spectacular splash of white flecks and green variegation on its large, paddle-shaped leaves. It is easy to grow and does well in low light.

Here are some amazing benefits of growing Dieffenbachia

17. Dieffenbachia ‘Puerto Rico Variegated’


The lance-like leaves of the plant have a light green hue, dark green edges, and beautiful variegation in yellow tinge. The plant does well in full sun and shade makes the foliage turn total green.

18. Dieffenbachia ‘Tropic Rain’

The large, light green leaves of this plant feature tiny spots and freckles of white hues. Keep it at a spot where it gets plenty of indirect light and lots of humidity.

19. Dieffenbachia ‘Panther’


A fast-growing specimen, it features large dark green leaves with white-silver streaks. The foliage can grow up to an impressive length of 10-16 inches.

Get the best Dieffenbachia Care Tips  here

20. Dieffenbachia Amoena


Cultivated for its decorative foliage, Amoena shows large oblong dark green leaves with creamy yellow stripes along the veins.

21. Dieffenbachia Aurora


A shade-loving cultivar that shows large dark green foliage with uneven patches of lime yellow and green. This plant can easily be propagated through cuttings.

22. Dieffenbachia daguensis


A rare cultivar with uneven yellow and cream splotches that go well with its dark green foliage. The leaves are elongated in shape.

23. Dieffenbachia ‘Triumph’

‘Triumph’ is the most impressive dieffenbachia variety that flaunts lime green leaves and dark green borders, with white veins in the middle of every leaf. It is one of the most spectacular types of dieffenbachia.

18 Fast Growing Indoor Plants | What Plants Grow Fast Indoors?

24. Dieffenbachia Rebecca


One of the most popular varieties these days, grow this plant if you love the bold variegation on leaves with matching bright colors!

25. Dieffenbachia ‘Cheetah’


‘Cheetah’ boasts vibrant green leaves patterned with intricate, creamy-white speckles. The splotches often appear as if they were “painted on,” giving it a unique, eye-catching aesthetic.

Read about the Dieffenbachia Cheetah Plant Care and Growing Information here

26. Dieffenbachia ‘Memoria corsii’


‘Memoria Corsii’ features elongated leaves with a mix of green and cream colors. These leaves may appear to have a lighter cream color that transitions into a darker green towards the margins.

Dieffenbachia Memoria Corsii Care and Growing Guide

Dieffenbachia Growing Information

The plant grows best in partial shade and prefers a warm temperature range. It faces difficulty below 50 F (10 C). It loves well-drained soil mix and grows best in a container with proper drainage holes. Most varieties can reach up to 3-6 feet tall and spread 1-3 feet.

Tip: Nourish the plant with balanced liquid fertilizer in its active growth period once every 4-5 weeks.


Keep in mind that all dieffenbachia varieties contain oxalic acid, that may cause skin allergy after physical contact if you’re sensitive. It is advisable to keep the plant away from the reach of curious pets and kids if there’s a risk of ingestion.

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