Excavating ancient tombs, experts discovered a 1,000-year-old “long-haired mummy” in a strange position

Archaeologists believe that this mummy was also buried with special objects.

Reuters reported that recently, archaeologists in Peru unearthed a mummy up to 1,000 years old at an archaeological site located in a residential area of ​​the capital Lima.

Sharing with Reuters, head of the archaeological team Mirella Ganoza said the mummy was found at the Huaca Pucllana site in the wealthy Miraflores district in central Lima. After identification, archaeologists believe that this is the remains of an adult with long hair and an almost intact chin. Besides, when discovered, this mummy was in a sitting position with its legs pulled up instead of lying flat like other mummies with a few terracotta jars buried around.

Archaeologist discovered a 1,000-year-old mummy

The mummy has long hair and an intact jaw

Experts say the mummy may have lived during the early social reorganization of the Ychsma culture, which developed on the central coast of present-day Peru, before the Incas arrived in the area.

Before that, the capital Lima was also known to have tens of millions of residents and more than 400 archaeological sites. The Huaca Pucllana area has also previously unearthed many mummies and ancient offerings and experts have determined that it also contains many other valuable antiques.

Huaca Pucllana is likened to Pandora’s Box with many archaeological treasures

Although famous for the Inca Royal Machu Picchu, Peru is also known as the home of many pre-Hispanic cultures in the centuries before the Inca empire came to power, mainly located along the the country’s central coast and in the Andes.

Mirella Ganoza said: “I find it quite interesting that right in the heart of Miraflores, in the middle of the city, surrounded by modern buildings and structures, an important place is still preserved, which is the tourist center. Huaca Pucllana Festival”.

Source: Reuters

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